The Effect of ADR on Justice Systems

Alternative Dispute Resolution as a veritable tool of dispute resolution has had a colossal impact on the world’s justice system all through the annals of history. Since time immemorial, several communities and climes have employed indigenous dispute resolution mechanisms bearing semblance with modern ADR processes in resolving their disputes.

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Multilevel Regulation
The Arbitration System in Syria

Arbitration or otherwise “tahkeem – تحكيم ”, [1] has been a part of the Syrian Civil Procedure Code since 1953, governed by Articles 506-534.[2] In 2008, the Arbitration Law in Syria enacted international practices based on United Nations Commission On International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration to aid both domestic and foreign investors in their legal disputes.

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Multilevel Regulation
Dispute Resolution Mechanisms under Multilateral Environmental Agreements

According to article 33 of the United Nations Charter,[2] which also applies to inter-state environmental disputes, states can settle their dispute through any peaceful means of their choice, such as negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, or judicial settlement. Consequently, states must find a way to resolve their environmental disputes but remain free to choose the procedure.

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Multilevel Regulation