ODR has developed and is still rapidly developing as it provides technology to meet the needs for dispute resolution in cyberspace.
Read MoreUnited Nations State-parties are obliged to first seek to resolve their dispute through peaceful means before resorting to the use of force. In light of this, Article 33 UN Charter, including mediation.
Read MoreThe Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) was established in 1984 to provide dispute resolution services in order to facilitate the settlement of sports-related disputes.
Read MoreFeminism, the equality of the female sex. Something we all strive for in our daily lives. But also something we are willing to fight for when it comes to, for example, the legal system when it comes to justice
Read MoreOn the 22nd of May 2020, the Multilevel Regulation Student Projects hosted its first event. Considering the restrictive measures imposed by the Dutch government to prevent the spreading of the coronavirus, we have hosted our first event online.
Read MoreThe European Court of Arbitration (the “Court”) is located in France, Strasbourg. It was established in 1959 and operates under the patronage of the Council of Europe.
Read MoreWithin mediation, there are different styles in order to facilitate to your specific needs. Here you will find the three most common negotiation styles.
Read MoreThe International Chamber of Commerce created a body to focus on climate change related disputes, the task force on “Arbitration of Climate Change Related Disputes.”[1] Some of its missions are to inspect and evaluate the current operation of arbitration and dispute resolution services to resolve climate change disputes or assess the particular features of dispute resolution mechanism which guarantee the resolution of climate change related disputes.
Read More“Legally Blonde” is a must-watch fun movie for aspiring lawyers. For those who have already watched it, you probably remember the scene where Elle Woods helped her friend get her dog back from her ex-boyfriend.
Read MoreIn a mediation process, the main aim is to resolve a dispute between parties in a way that is guided by the parties’ preferences and needs. Someone’s lifestyle, which includes being religious and/or spiritual, can be of great importance and, therefore, we are going to look at the emphasis of religion in mediation
Read MoreCan a national court use a domestic legal doctrine in order to compel arbitration in an international dispute?
Read MoreThe Organisation for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) is an international organization that was created by the treaty signed at Port-Louis, capital of Mauritius, on 17 October 1993 (the OHADA Treaty) and modified at Quebec in Canada on 17 October 2008.
Read MoreHistorically, a huge number of people have considered the court path as the leading method to resolve their disputes. Today, we see a new trend of court avoidance as it costs quite a lot of money.
Read MoreA new tribunal opened in The Hague, this facility was established with the intention to solely authorize art disputes. The Hague Hearing Centre (THHC) is a tribunal that opened in 2018 by City Counsel Member Saskia Bruines.
Read MoreIn The Hague, the International centre of peace and justice, has opened on June 7 2018 a court which will exclusively deal with art disputes. The court will be called The Court Arbitration for Art (CAA) and even though it is located in The Hague the court is able to conduct hearings all over the world…
Read MoreJay-Z’s lawsuit has highlighted the problem that arbitrators are predominantly white and male in most western societies. Jay-Z, the internationally famous rapper, who needs no introduction, has successfully stalled his private arbitration between his entertainment company, Roc Nation and a clothing company called IconixBrand Group.
Read MoreThe Mulitlevel Regulation Lectoraat organized an event in which professionals were invited to discuss career opportunities in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and give advice to students on how to pursue such a career.
Read MoreWhat does Multilevel Regulation entail and why should you care?
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